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Frozen Shoulder Syndrome & Massage

Frozen Shoulder Syndrome & Massage

Shoulder Pain - Frozen Shoulder Syndrome

Frozen Shoulder Syndrome, medically known as adhesive capsulitis, is a painful and debilitating condition that affects countless individuals worldwide. Characterized by stiffness, limited range of motion, and persistent pain in the shoulder joint, it can significantly impact one’s daily life and overall well-being. While there are various treatment options available, including physical therapy, medications, and even surgery, an increasingly popular and effective complementary approach is massage therapy. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the world of massage therapy and explore its role in alleviating the symptoms of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome.

Understanding Frozen Shoulder Syndrome

Before we dive into the therapeutic benefits of massage, let’s first understand what Frozen Shoulder Syndrome entails. This condition typically progresses through three stages:

  1. Freezing Stage: During this initial phase, patients experience a gradual onset of pain and stiffness in the shoulder. This pain can be particularly intense at night, making it challenging to sleep on the affected side.
  2. Frozen Stage: In this stage, the shoulder becomes even stiffer, and range of motion becomes severely restricted. Everyday activities such as reaching for items on high shelves or fastening a bra can become nearly impossible without excruciating pain.
  3. Thawing Stage: As the name suggests, this stage sees a gradual improvement in shoulder mobility and a reduction in pain. However, it can take several months to years to fully recover from Frozen Shoulder Syndrome.

While the exact cause of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome remains unclear, factors such as age, gender (more common in women), diabetes, and previous shoulder injuries have been associated with its development.

Massage Therapy: A Holistic Approach

Massage therapy is a holistic healing technique that involves the manual manipulation of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissues to promote relaxation, reduce pain, and enhance overall well-being. When applied skillfully, massage therapy can offer several benefits for individuals suffering from Frozen Shoulder Syndrome:

  1. Pain Relief: Massage therapy can effectively alleviate the chronic pain associated with Frozen Shoulder Syndrome. By targeting trigger points and tension areas in the shoulder and surrounding muscles, massage therapists can help relax these tissues, reducing pain and discomfort.
  2. Improved Circulation: Massage promotes increased blood flow to the affected area, which can enhance the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to injured tissues. This improved circulation aids in the healing process and reduces inflammation.
  3. Enhanced Range of Motion: One of the primary goals of massage therapy in the context of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome is to restore range of motion. Skilled massage therapists use techniques to gently stretch and mobilize the shoulder joint, gradually increasing flexibility and reducing stiffness.
  4. Stress Reduction: Chronic pain can take a toll on mental health. Massage therapy induces relaxation and reduces stress, which can help patients better manage the emotional toll of living with Frozen Shoulder Syndrome.
  5. Improved Sleep: Many individuals with Frozen Shoulder Syndrome struggle to sleep due to pain and discomfort. Massage therapy can help alleviate these issues, leading to better sleep quality and overall restorative rest.

Types of Massage Techniques for Frozen Shoulder

Several massage techniques can be beneficial for individuals with Frozen Shoulder Syndrome, including:

  1. Swedish Massage: This gentle, soothing massage technique uses long strokes, kneading, and friction to promote relaxation and improve circulation in the shoulder area.
  2. Deep Tissue Massage: Ideal for targeting deeper layers of muscle and fascia, deep tissue massage can help release chronic muscle tension and alleviate pain.
  3. Trigger Point Therapy: Massage therapists use focused pressure on specific trigger points to release tight knots in the muscles, providing relief from pain and stiffness.
  4. Myofascial Release: This technique focuses on the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles. By releasing tension in the fascia, myofascial release can improve range of motion and reduce pain.
  5. Stretching and Range of Motion Techniques: In addition to traditional massage, therapists may incorporate stretching and range of motion exercises to gradually increase shoulder mobility.

Massage as Part of a Comprehensive Treatment Plan

It’s important to note that massage therapy should be considered a complementary approach rather than a standalone treatment for Frozen Shoulder Syndrome. A comprehensive treatment plan typically includes a combination of therapies, which may include:

  1. Physical Therapy: Physical therapists can provide exercises and stretches tailored to the patient’s specific needs, gradually improving shoulder function.
  2. Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroid injections may be prescribed to manage pain and inflammation.
  3. Heat and Ice Therapy: Alternating between heat and ice applications can help reduce pain and inflammation in the shoulder joint.
  4. Home Exercises: Patients are often encouraged to perform prescribed exercises at home to maintain and enhance the progress made during therapy sessions.
  5. Surgery (in severe cases): When other treatments prove ineffective, surgical intervention may be necessary to release the joint capsule and restore shoulder mobility.


Frozen Shoulder Syndrome can be a physically and emotionally challenging condition to endure. While massage therapy alone cannot provide a complete cure, it can play a vital role in managing pain, reducing stiffness, and enhancing overall well-being. When integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan that includes physical therapy, medication, and lifestyle modifications, massage therapy can be a powerful tool for improving the quality of life for those affected by this condition. If you or someone you know is struggling with Frozen Shoulder Syndrome, consider exploring the benefits of massage therapy as part of your journey towards healing and recovery. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new treatment regimen for Frozen Shoulder Syndrome to ensure it aligns with your individual needs and circumstances.

Upper Crossed Syndrome

Upper Crossed Syndrome

Upper-Crossed-SyndromeUpper Crossed Syndrome (UCS) is a muscular imbalance pattern that commonly affects individuals who have a sedentary lifestyle or spend long hours at a desk or computer. This condition results from overuse of some muscles and underuse of others, leading to a complex chain of events that can cause pain, stiffness, and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and upper back.

The name “Upper Crossed Syndrome” comes from the crossing of two muscle groups: the upper trapezius and levator scapulae, which are overactive and tight, and the deep neck flexors and lower trapezius, which are weak and underactive. This imbalance causes the head to jut forward and the shoulders to round, resulting in a hunched posture.

Symptoms of Upper Crossed Syndrome can vary from person to person and can range from mild discomfort to severe pain. Some common symptoms include neck pain and stiffness, headaches, shoulder pain and tightness, limited range of motion, and tingling or numbness in the arms and hands.

Massage therapy is an effective treatment option for Upper Crossed Syndrome. Massage therapists use various techniques to help alleviate pain, reduce muscle tension, and improve range of motion. Here are some ways massage therapy can benefit patients with Upper Crossed Syndrome:

  1. Relieves Muscle Tension and Pain: Massage therapy helps to relax tight and overactive muscles, such as the upper trapezius and levator scapulae. By applying pressure to these muscles, a massage therapist can help to release knots and tension, which can alleviate pain and discomfort.
  2. Improves Posture: Massage therapy can help to improve posture by lengthening tight muscles and strengthening weak ones. By working on the deep neck flexors and lower trapezius, massage therapists can help to bring the head back into proper alignment and reduce the hunched posture that is common with Upper Crossed Syndrome.
  3. Increases Range of Motion: Massage therapy can help to increase range of motion by improving flexibility and reducing muscle tension. By working on the muscles surrounding the neck, shoulders, and upper back, massage therapists can help to restore normal movement patterns, which can reduce pain and discomfort.
  4. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Massage therapy can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can be a contributing factor to Upper Crossed Syndrome. By promoting relaxation and reducing tension in the muscles, massage therapy can help to reduce overall stress levels and improve mental health.

In conclusion, Upper Crossed Syndrome is a common condition that can cause pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and upper back. Massage therapy is an effective treatment option for this condition, as it can help to alleviate pain, improve posture, increase range of motion, and reduce stress and anxiety. If you are experiencing symptoms of Upper Crossed Syndrome, consider consulting with a massage therapist to see how massage therapy can benefit you.

Physical Assessment in Clinical Massage Therapy

Physical Assessment in Clinical Massage Therapy

Clinical-Massage-AssessmentAs a complementary and alternative medicine modality, massage therapy has become increasingly popular over the years. Among the various types of massage, clinical massage therapy stands out as a specialized form of treatment that is practiced by licensed or certified massage therapists with advanced training in the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. Physical assessment is a crucial component of clinical massage therapy, and orthopedic tests are an important tool for therapists to use during the assessment process.

Orthopedic tests refer to a range of physical maneuvers designed to help assess the integrity of the musculoskeletal system. These tests are commonly used by physical therapists, chiropractors, and other healthcare professionals to diagnose musculoskeletal conditions. However, orthopedic tests are also frequently used by massage therapists to identify specific structures that may be contributing to a patient’s pain or dysfunction. By doing so, massage therapists can develop targeted treatment plans that address the underlying causes of a patient’s condition.

The use of orthopedic tests in clinical massage therapy provides therapists with valuable information about a patient’s condition. These tests can help identify specific muscles, joints, or other structures that may be causing a patient’s pain or dysfunction. Once these structures are identified, therapists can develop personalized treatment plans that address the root cause of the patient’s condition.

Physical assessment is also important because it allows therapists to monitor a patient’s progress over time. By regularly assessing a patient’s condition, therapists can track changes in their symptoms and adjust their treatment plans accordingly. This is particularly important for patients with chronic conditions, as it allows therapists to identify when a treatment plan may need to be modified to better address the patient’s changing needs.

There are several different types of orthopedic tests that massage therapists may use during the assessment process. Range of motion tests, for example, involve moving a joint through its full range of motion to assess its mobility and identify any restrictions or limitations. Muscle strength tests, on the other hand, are designed to assess the strength of individual muscles or muscle groups. Special tests are more specific and are designed to identify the presence of specific musculoskeletal conditions. The Adson’s test, for example, is used to assess for thoracic outlet syndrome, while the Lachman’s test is used to assess for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries.

The use of orthopedic tests in clinical massage therapy requires specialized training and expertise. It is important for massage therapists to receive appropriate education and training in the use of these tests to ensure they are used correctly and effectively.

In addition to the use of orthopedic tests, there are other important components of the physical assessment process in clinical massage therapy. These may include a comprehensive health history, a physical examination, and functional assessments. By gathering information from a variety of sources, massage therapists can develop a more complete understanding of a patient’s condition and develop more effective treatment plans.

A comprehensive assessment is particularly important for patients with complex or chronic conditions. By taking a more in-depth approach to assessment, massage therapists can develop a more personalized treatment plan that addresses the patient’s unique needs.

In conclusion, physical assessment is a critical component of clinical massage therapy, and the use of orthopedic tests is an important tool for therapists to use during the assessment process. Orthopedic tests can help therapists identify specific structures that may be contributing to a patient’s pain or dysfunction and develop targeted treatment plans that address the underlying causes of their condition. It is important for massage therapists to receive appropriate education and training in the use of orthopedic tests and other assessment techniques to ensure they are used correctly and effectively. By taking a comprehensive approach to assessment, massage therapists can provide more effective and personalized care to their patients.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy

Glass Cups For Cupping TherapyCupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine that has been used for centuries to treat various conditions. It involves placing cups on the skin to create a vacuum effect that draws the skin and underlying tissues up into the cup. Cupping has gained popularity in recent years, especially among athletes, as a way to treat sports injuries and improve performance. In this blog post, we will explore cupping therapy for sports injuries and how it can benefit athletes.


What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping is a type of alternative medicine that originated in China thousands of years ago. It involves placing cups on the skin and creating a vacuum effect that draws the skin and underlying tissues up into the cup. The cups can be made of glass, bamboo, or silicone and can be placed on various parts of the body, including the back, shoulders, and legs.

There are two main types of cupping therapy: dry cupping and wet cupping. Dry cupping involves placing the cups on the skin and leaving them there for several minutes. Wet cupping involves making small incisions on the skin before placing the cups on the skin, which allows for the extraction of small amounts of blood.

How Does Cupping Therapy Work?

The theory behind cupping is that the suction created by the cups helps to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. It is believed that the vacuum effect created by the cups helps to increase blood flow to the area, which can help to reduce pain and promote healing.

Cupping is also thought to stimulate the lymphatic system, which helps to remove toxins from the body. It is believed that the suction created by the cups helps to break up stagnant lymphatic fluid, allowing it to flow more freely and remove toxins from the body.

Cupping Therapy for Sports Injuries

Cupping has gained popularity among athletes as a way to treat sports injuries and improve performance. Here are some of the ways cupping can benefit athletes:

  1. Reduces Muscle Tension and Pain

Cupping can help to reduce muscle tension and pain, which is beneficial for athletes who experience tight muscles or soreness after workouts. The suction created by the cups helps to increase blood flow to the area, which can help to reduce muscle tension and pain.

  1. Increases Range of Motion

Cupping can also help to increase range of motion, which is important for athletes who need to move their bodies in various ways to perform their sport. By reducing muscle tension and improving circulation, cupping therapy can help athletes move more freely and perform better.

  1. Improves Recovery Time

Cupping therapy can also help to improve recovery time after a workout or competition. By increasing blood flow to the area, cupping therapy can help to promote healing and reduce inflammation, which can help athletes recover more quickly from injuries.

  1. Boosts Immune System

Cupping can also help to boost the immune system, which is important for athletes who are more susceptible to illnesses due to their intense training schedules. By stimulating the lymphatic system, cupping therapy can help to remove toxins from the body and boost the immune system.


Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine that has gained popularity among athletes as a way to treat sports injuries and improve performance. By reducing muscle tension and pain, increasing range of motion, improving recovery time, and boosting the immune system, cupping can be a beneficial addition to an athlete’s training regimen. However, it is important to note that cupping therapy should be performed by a qualified practitioner to avoid injury and ensure that it is done safely and effectively.

To learn more about cupping therapy and additional techniques taught at Seattle Clinical Massage School contact our admissions department.

8 Most Common Sports Injuries in Soccer

8 Most Common Sports Injuries in Soccer

Soccer Sports Injuries
Soccer, also known as football in many parts of the world, is one of the most popular sports in the world. Played by millions of people of all ages and skill levels, soccer is a game that requires speed, agility, and physical contact. While it is an enjoyable sport, it also comes with its fair share of injuries. In this blog post, we will take a look at the eight most common sports injuries in soccer.
  1. Sprains and strains

Sprains and strains are the most common injuries in soccer. A sprain is a stretching or tearing of a ligament, while a strain is a stretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon. These injuries can occur when a player lands awkwardly after jumping or when they make a sudden change in direction. Sprains and strains can range in severity from mild to severe and may require medical attention.

  1. Knee injuries

Knee injuries are also very common in soccer and can include anything from minor bruises and strains to more serious injuries such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears. The ACL is one of the four major ligaments in the knee and helps to stabilize the joint. A tear to the ACL can be a career-ending injury and may require surgery.

  1. Ankle injuries

Ankle sprains are common in soccer due to the sudden changes in direction and quick movements required in the game. Ankle injuries can range from mild to severe, and players may need to take time off from playing to allow the injury to heal properly.

  1. Groin pull

A groin pull is a common injury in soccer players who frequently change directions, kick the ball or pass it with the inside of the foot. A groin pull is a stretching or tearing of the muscles in the groin area and can be very painful. Players who experience a groin pull may need to take time off from playing to allow the injury to heal.

  1. Hamstring strain

Hamstring injuries often occur when a player is sprinting and tries to stop or change direction suddenly. A hamstring strain is a stretching or tearing of the muscles in the back of the thigh and can be very painful. Players who experience a hamstring strain may need to take time off from playing to allow the injury to heal properly.

  1. Concussions

Concussions can occur when a player is hit in the head or collides with another player during a game. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that can cause a range of symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, and confusion. Players who experience a concussion should be evaluated by a medical professional and may need to take time off from playing to allow the injury to heal.

  1. Shin splints

Shin splints are a common injury in soccer players and are often caused by the repetitive stress of running. Shin splints are characterized by pain in the front of the lower leg and can be very painful. Players who experience shin splints may need to take time off from playing to allow the injury to heal.

  1. Fractures

Fractures can occur in soccer players as a result of a hard tackle or collision with another player. Fractures can range in severity from a small hairline fracture to a complete break of the bone. Players who experience a fracture will need to take time off from playing to allow the injury to heal properly.

In conclusion, soccer is a physically demanding sport that requires a lot from the body. It’s no wonder that injuries are common in this sport. As a player, it’s important to take steps to prevent injuries by wearing proper equipment and practicing good technique. If you do experience an injury, it’s important to seek medical attention and allow the injury to heal properly before returning to play. With proper care and attention, you can minimize your risk of injury and enjoy playing soccer for years to come.

Learn more about how clinical massage therapy can be used to treat sports injuries.

Massage and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Massage and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic Outlet Massage

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) is a condition that can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the neck, shoulders, arms, and hands. TOS occurs when the blood vessels or nerves in the thoracic outlet, the space between your collarbone and your first rib, become compressed or irritated. Massage therapy is an effective treatment option for TOS that can help relieve pain, improve circulation, and release muscle tension in the affected area.

How Massage Therapy Helps with TOS

Massage therapy can help alleviate the symptoms of TOS by addressing muscle tension and improving circulation in the affected area. Here are some ways massage therapy can help with TOS:

  1. Relieves pain: Massage therapy can help relieve pain associated with TOS by reducing muscle tension and inflammation. By releasing tight muscles, massage can help relieve pressure on the nerves and blood vessels in the thoracic outlet.
  2. Improves circulation: Massage therapy can help improve circulation in the affected area by reducing pressure on the blood vessels in the thoracic outlet. This increased blood flow can help reduce pain and promote healing.
  3. Releases muscle tension: Tight muscles in the neck, shoulders, and chest can compress the nerves and blood vessels in the thoracic outlet, leading to TOS. Massage therapy can help release muscle tension and improve mobility in these areas.
  4. Reduces stress: Stress can exacerbate the symptoms of TOS. Massage therapy can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can help alleviate the symptoms of TOS.
  5. Prevents recurrence: Regular massage therapy can help prevent TOS from recurring by addressing muscle tension and promoting healthy circulation in the affected area.

Types of Massage Therapy for TOS

There are several types of massage therapy that can be effective in treating TOS. Here are a few:

  1. Myofascial release: Myofascial release is a technique that targets the connective tissue, or fascia, in the body. This technique involves gentle sustained pressure and stretching to release tension in the fascia, which can help relieve pain and improve mobility in the affected areas.
  2. Trigger point therapy: Trigger point therapy involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to relieve pain and tension. This technique can be effective in treating the trigger points that contribute to TOS.
  3. Deep tissue massage: Deep tissue massage involves applying firm pressure and slow strokes to reach deeper layers of muscle tissue. This technique can help release tension in the muscles and relieve pressure on the nerves and blood vessels in the thoracic outlet.
  4. Swedish massage: Swedish massage is a gentle massage technique that involves long strokes, kneading, and circular movements. This technique can help relieve tension and promote relaxation, which can help alleviate the symptoms of TOS.

Working with a Massage Therapist

When receiving massage therapy for TOS, it is important to work with a licensed massage therapist who has experience in treating this condition. The massage therapist should also work in conjunction with other healthcare providers, such as a physical therapist or chiropractor, to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Before the massage session, the therapist will perform an assessment to determine the areas that need to be addressed. During the massage, the therapist will use a variety of techniques to address muscle tension and improve circulation in the affected area. After the session, the therapist may provide stretches or exercises to help maintain the benefits of the massage.


TOS can be a debilitating condition that affects daily activities and quality of life. Massage therapy is a non-invasive and effective treatment option that can help alleviate the symptoms of TOS. By relieving pain, improving circulation, releasing muscle tension, and reducing stress, massage therapy can help improve mobility and promote healing in the affected area. If you are suffering from TOS, consider adding massage therapy to your treatment regimen.

Learn more about massage therapy and our massage school today.

Rotator Cuff Tears

Rotator Cuff Tears

Rotator Cuff and Massage Therapy School

What is the Rotator Cuff
The rotator cuff is a very important part of the body as anyone who has had problems with it will testify. It is comprised of the muscles and tendons that join your shoulder and arm and allows you to move and lift your arms. Pretty major body part, right? As you can imagine it gets a lot of use and sees a lot of action. Unfortunately, it also gets a great deal of abuse from repeated use whether from hard work or play. Or the shoulder may be injured in an accident or awkward maneuver. The rotator cuff can also get worn out from regular use over the years or weakness, aka, advanced age.

What Cause Rotator Cuff Injuries
There are several causes of strains or tears to the rotator cuff which can be a minor or serious shoulder area injury. The major causes are generally overuse or accidental injury. A person may have been dealing with years of pain or may have just been injured in an accident. Accidental injury can be caused by a serious car wreck or it can simply be from grabbing a heavy bag. Either way, an injured person can benefit from a trained massage therapist or a healthcare professional who has massage training in clinical or therapeutic massage therapy. There is nothing better than being able to help people feel stronger and healthier while creating a more viable career for your new life.

Using Massage To Ease Rotator Cuff Injuries
It is important to work with guidance from medical professionals when treating a person who has been diagnosed with a torn rotator cuff. Depending on the injury, the client may need medical intervention or even surgery. But often the rotator cuff injury can be treated with specific massage techniques and stretching exercises. A careful, gentle, and slow touch is needed to prevent further injury and increase healing. Remember, first, do no harm.

Minor and Moderate Rotator Cuff Tears
Massage treatment is particularly helpful for addressing minor strain and moderate tear injuries. Gentle massage and slow stretching treatments can help increase range of motion, shoulder function, flexibility, and lessen pain. In addition, you can educate your client on exercises to strengthen the muscles. You can also help them prevent additional trouble or injury with tips for the proper use and care of their shoulders. This is critical to prevent damage to the injured shoulder and to protect the other shoulder from overuse injury while it is shouldering more than its share of the work.

Treating Serious Tears of Rotator Cuffs
Understanding your patient’s condition and treatment goals are very important. For a variety of reasons, from recovery hope to scheduling issues to fear, some clients with rotator cuff injuries may not want to have surgery. Such clients will, therefore, want to give alternative therapy a try, and turn to massage therapy. You may be able to help them with their goal to avoid surgery or at least postpone it. You can help them feel better and have more flexibility while they determine if they will need surgery. Your massage treatments can help ease their pain and stiffness and increase their mobility. You can also help clients with the recovery after they have had surgery to repair their rotator cuff damage.

Working with Clients
Healing a rotator cuff injury requires specialized massage treatment, a gentle touch, and a client who is committed to recovery. For most injuries, a series of massage treatments will be needed along with a regime of physical therapy and particular exercise work. As a physical therapy assistant or fitness trainer, you can assist with physical therapy and exercise training to get your client on the road to recovery. You can encourage and educate your client on how to be healthier and take an active role in their own recovery and treatment. Helpful tips like using a ladder instead of reaching overhead can prevent more damage. It is gratifying to help people improve their health and quality of life.

Benefits of Massage Therapy Training
Massage therapy training will allow you to assist your clients as a massage therapist, nurse, physical therapy assistant, Yoga or Pilates instructor, fitness trainer, or nursing home assistant. This training can be an invaluable tool to enhance and grow your current career. Want to take your professional life to a new, higher level? Seattle Clinical Massage School can make it happen. Seattle Clinical Massage School will help you train to be a better health care professional with their expert educational resources. Start your journey to a finer life now with Seattle massage therapy schools.

Whiplash and Massage Therapy

Whiplash and Massage Therapy

Whiplash Massage Therapy SchoolWhiplash is an injury that can occur from a variety of accidents. While most whiplash injuries are the result of an auto accident, it can also be caused by a slip and fall accident or sporting injury. The stress placed on the muscles and connective tissue can lead to both inflammation and discomfort until the injury is fully healed. With whiplash being one of the most commonly reported injuries, massage therapy is one of the most affordable of all treatment options. Massage therapy can also be used in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments for a more well-rounded healing plan.

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is an injury that affects the muscles and connective tissues in the neck. It is caused by abruptly stopping the forward motion of the head which results in it being jerked violently backward. The stretching and over-extension of the connective tissue can cause intense pain and may sometimes feel as if a dislocation has occurred. Because the injury deals with both the muscles and the skeletal/connective tissues, it may take several weeks to heal. This is much longer than an injury that only involves the muscles. If left untreated, whiplash can lead to headaches and chronic neck pain.

Symptoms of Whiplash

The symptoms of whiplash will vary from case to case. The severity of the injury is a determining factor when it comes to the severity of the symptoms. Pain and inflammation are the two most common symptoms. The extensive inflammation can prevent you from turning your head from side to side. Any movement can be painful if it is performed too quickly. Mild cases of whiplash can take anywhere from four to six weeks to heal while severe cases may take up to nine to twelve weeks. Stiffness in the area is also common due to keeping the neck still and avoiding unnecessary movements.

Massage Therapy Benefits

Massage therapy is one of the best ways to treat a whiplash injury. Deep tissue massage restores blood flow to the injured area. This, in turn, brings much-needed nutrients to an area that needs oxygen and other necessities in order to heal. Massage also manipulates the tissues keeping them flexible and strong when exercise isn’t possible. The kneading of the tissues also breaks up pockets of inflammation that hinder movement and prevent you from turning your head or moving in a natural manner. When massage therapy is performed throughout the head, neck, and upper shoulders, it can strengthen the entire area providing additional strength and support.

Caring for a Whiplash Injury

Because of the nature of a whiplash injury, receiving massage therapy every two or three days can actually hasten the healing process. This means that pain and inflammation are minimized in a relatively short period of time. The tissues start to gradually heal and become stronger making it possible for you to return to your day to day activities much sooner. The more frequently massage is received, the more flexibility you will have and your muscles will be much stronger and more resistant to re-injury.

Massage therapy is often considered one of the most effective treatment options when it comes to caring for a whiplash injury. As part of an effective treatment plan, deep tissue massage improves circulation and flexibility allowing you to enjoy an increased range of motion with less pain and overall discomfort. When combined with chiropractic care and physical therapy, deep tissue massage completes the loop in terms of overall care and minimizing your pain and discomfort. The acute pain and discomfort associated with whiplash can be incredibly uncomfortable. Prompt treatment with massage therapy is an effective way to reduce your discomfort and minimize your pain.

Learn more about how massage therapy can help with whiplash or a whiplash related injury contact you local massage school. Also contact the admissions department of Seattle Clinical Massage School to ask specific questions relating to massage and whiplash.

Massage Therapy & Endurance Sports

Massage Therapy & Endurance Sports

Sports Massage RunnersIt takes strength, stamina, and yes, endurance, to be an endurance athlete. Taking part in these marathons, and triathlons and such sporting events requires training and preparation of both the mind and body.

Post-event, massage therapy is crucial in aiding with recovery. Pre-event, this therapy can significantly influence and impact an endurance athlete’s performance, in the following and among other ways:

Increased Flexibility

Flexibility and being able to stay agile are both important elements of endurance sports. Flexibility will give athletes a wider and more solid range of motion, enabling them to be quick and endure long periods on their feet, or bike pedals.

Massage therapy stretches muscle fibers, promoting and maintaining flexibility. Coupling this therapy with some static and dynamic stretching exercises helps to improve flexibility.

Improved Circulation

Tight muscles do restrict the flow of blood. Deep tissue massage and other massage therapy techniques help to restore and improve this circulation. It also promotes the growth of new mitochondria, which, in turn, increases the rate at which muscles utilize oxygen. The mitochondria are the body’s powerhouses, and as such, the athlete will have more than enough energy to sustain through the event.

Better circulation also ensures that athletes can breathe even more easily. They don’t have to worry about spells of struggling to catch their breath mid-race.

Alleviation of Muscle Pain

Pain, in its different severities from mild to severe, is quite common among endurance athletes. Be it from an old injury or muscle tightening and cramping, dealing with the pain during the event will definitely impair an athlete’s performance. Massage therapy is an excellent non-medicine option for dealing with this pain, helping to enhance performance.

Massage helps to loosen muscle knots and ease cramping that would otherwise cause pain. It also helps in breaking down any scar tissue from previous injuries. This is not to mention that massage therapy stimulates the release of feel-good endorphins in your brain. All in all, the athletes can confidently focus on your sporting event without the pain.

Benefits Beyond the Muscles

Massage therapy has been shown to improve the quality and quantity of sleep that you will be getting. An endurance athlete that is getting enough of sound sleep will definitely be performing at their best compared to one who is dealing with sleep-deprivation or not getting enough restful sleep. How much sleep they are getting, or not getting, will only affect your mental well-being, and this is as important as your physical well-being.

Similarly, massage therapy helps with relaxation, pre-event. Preparation for the event can be overwhelming, and it is not uncommon for athletes to have anxiety attacks, and especially so close to the event. The mental strain that comes with feeling overly anxious will only stand in the way of the athletes performing at their most optimal level.

The Need for Professional Massage Therapy Services

Athletes may be able to massage their legs or arms, but more likely than not, the experience will not yield the highlighted benefits quite as well as if a professional took on the job. It takes specialized training to deliver the kind of massage therapy experience that will prove beneficial for the body and mind of endurance athletes.

Sports massage therapy is a well sought-after service among endurance athletes. This is, of course, on account of the many benefits that the therapy bestows. Some athletes go for a session a week, others schedule multiple sessions every week, so the demand for the service is definitely there.

Do a great job with clients, and you can confidently look forward to more looking for your services. This is because athletes maintain a tight-knit circle or community, and you stand to benefit from referrals.

At Seattle Clinical Massage School, you can get started on your journey to becoming a sports massage therapist, or receive additional training on the same. You get to enjoy a flexible schedule that will not disrupt your lifestyle or schedule. You will also be learning from a diversely-gifted and experienced team of instructors, including massage therapists and chiropractors.

If you are interested in helping endurance athletes to experience and enjoy the benefits of massage therapy, among others, do not hesitate to sign up for your class today.

For additional Seattle massage school options check out our partner school Northwest Academy for the Healing Arts